Saturday 13 August 2011

week.. End!!

well the last few days for us have been huge!
Miss A is deciding she want to sleep like a weirdo and wake up all the time! and be WIDE awake and play for five or so mins and fall back to sleep! haha  too cute tho and then there's the hubby, who has decided that blanket stealing is ok at night, which leaves me freezing and awake so its pretty much been like the last few days have blended in together.
 I have to say, the little gift from god at the beginning of the week has made it a pretty good week! When we moved back to Perth our cat ran away and my hubby and i were so so upset!
then when we moved south of the river it got even harder because she wasn't around then 9 months later i found her at a vet up for adoption, you see we had her chippeed but because she had lost so much weight it had slipped so we now have our kitty again and i couldn't be happier! she is slowly settling back into home life with us and Miss A loves her! she laughs at her constantly!

So this week has been filled with cuddles and kisses with her which isnt hard because she is  this giant ball of snuggly fluff, altho the dogs arent too happy that she is inside and they arent, but its just untill we are comfy letting her out knowing she will come home! i dont want her running away!

Friday we went to the Pregnancy and babies expo wich was good, busy bus but had a ball walking about! and then we had a bday party for hubbys sister, was nice to ahve a good meal with good company! theyre a funny bunch when a few drinks have been had! ah then there was sat morning and we headed off to kings park for  Photoshoot for Jewellery with bit (if you have FB look them up) which was fantastic, their invention is so awsome and Addi LOVED it! muchly looking forward to getting her a few of those and will totally get them as gifts for people to!

well thats about it really im off to make dinner for Alora (my little sister) you see it was her birthday last week and i havent had the chance to catch up with her yet!

Take care!

Love u all

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